The 'Why'
In the beginning
Going to RAM
The career begins
The swan song
The career ends
For Jane
At the end
The swan song
I did one last deputy task for Bruce in 1960 when I sang the baritone part in Carmina Burana for Kent Opera – he said this piece was now too high for him and that I had the range. I learned later from other students that this was Bruce’s way of getting his pupils’ feet wet. It was quite a struggle even so but the critics were kind. This was my professional ‘swan song’ – and by coincidence, Jane was a schoolgirl in the Maidstone Grammar Schools’ Choir in this performance. The next song by Schubert was taught to me by Geoffrey Parsons, the world famous accompanist. Geoffrey lived on and off with our family when he came to England from Australia. He became like a brother to me over the years. Geoffrey was a Lieder specialist and so when I was asked to sing ‘AN DIE MUSIC’ at another student recital in London I asked Geoffrey to try to teach me to sing Lieder – he did his best!! I will always remember him with great great fondness whenever I hear or sing this song